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Process Variables for Sidekick Model 1


command description
caget LEDS:info Gets information about the LED device
caget LEDS:CHN:brig Returns and prints the value of brightness of LED N
caput LEDS:CHN:brig X Allows you to set brightness of X (0-255) of LED N
caget LEDS:CHN:dur Returns and prints the value of duration (microseconds) of LED N
caput LEDS:CHN:dur X Allows you to set duration of X (nanoseconds) of LED N
caput LEDS:debug "string" Debugs the command placed within the string for the LEDS functions
caget LEDS:debug Returns the value that was used within the debug for analysis


command description
caget PHOTO:info Gets information about the Photodetector device
caget PHOTO:data Gets the data from the Photodetector device in terms of a number value
caget PHOTO:dur Gets the current duration of the Photodetector detecting in microseconds
caput PHOTO:dur X Allows you to set the duration of the Photodetector detection time in microseconds
caget PHOTO:trigcnt Gets the trigger count number
caput PHOTO:trigcnt X Manipulates the trigger count value to be X
caput PHOTO:debug "string" Debugs the command placed within the string for the Photodetectors functions
caget PHOTO:debug Returns the values that were used in the debug analysis


command description
caget PULSEGEN:info Gets information about the Pulse Generator device
caput PULSEGEN:reprate X Sets the repetition rate as X for all pulse channels
caget PULSGEN:reprate Returns the value of the reprate of the pulses for all channels.
caput PULSEGEN:CHN:delay X Sets channel N to have a delay of X after pulse trigger
caget PULSGEN:CHN:delay Returns the value of the delay from channel N
caput PULSEGEN:debug "string" Debugs the command placed within the string for the Pulse Generator functions
caget PULSEGEN:debug Returns the values that was used within the debug for analysis


command description
caget SHUTTER:info Gets information about the Shutter device
caget SHUTTER:enable Finds out if the shutter is enabled or not.
caput SHUTTER:enable X Sets the motor enable or not enabled. X is either 1 for on or 0 for off.
caget SHUTTER:dur Gets the current duration time of shutter (microseconds)
caput SHUTTER:dur X Allows you to set the duration of the shutter detecting time in X (microseconds)
caput SHUTTER:debug "string" Debugs the command placed within the string for the shutter functions
caget SHUTTER:debug Returns the values that was used within the debug for analysis